Donington 1984 PRO SHOT !!!!
Wow this is unbelievable. When did this lovely gem surface. Anyone have any info on this or if the show will surface on DVD !?
Amazing. Good find. whats your signature at the end supposed to mean?
You mean this thing: "OK, you just bought yourself a 3.17 - Pointing out police stupidity... or is that a 3.14 !?" It's a quote from the simpsons: Chief Wiggum: Alright smart guy, where's the fire? Homer Simpson: Over there. [Homer points to a fire at the police station] Chief Wiggum: Okay, you just bought yourself a 317, pointing out police stupidity... Or is that a 314? Nah nah, 314 is a dog uh, in, no or is that a 315?... You're in trouble pal. Get it :D my version is a little shorter + i'm studying at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security (you could say a police shool school) so i found it fitting.
Seems like this thing won't be seen on DVD anytime soon. I asked the guy where he got it from and the reply was: "someone found it in the western sahara under a rock" and when i asked him about a release on DVD he said: "I doubt it will ever be seen again let alone on DVD" Now I'm just waiting to to get the answer why :D
I don't know... I think 85% of the concert was up a little while ago, but was pulled minus those four songs. I guess what he means is that if it wasn't on Plug Me In, or on some other DVD before this, it won't be on DVD now. That and someone might own these clips that is being an absolute bitch about letting them go...maybe the BBC doesn't on these, or Sony, maybe a private collector.
one last song from the same gig just wait & see
Riff Raff, These are the songs I managed to get of the great Donington 1984 video version. Guns For Hire Shoot To Thrill Sin City Bad Boy Boogie Part 1 Bad Boy Boogie Part 2 (Strip Tease) Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution Flick Of The Switch Hells Bells The Jack Have A Drink On Me Whole Lotta Rosie For Those About To Rock ***Here is what I am missing. DOES ANYONE HAVE THESE OR ARE THEY JUST NOT AVAILABLE AT ALL OR JUST NOT BEING SHARED AT ALL????????? Back In Black Highway To Hell DDDDC LTBR T.N.T. Please let me know. Thanks
'74, I think for those songs, it could any number of possibilities... Here are my top three: 1) They exist, but in a degraded quality from the rest of the show (similar to how Walk All Over You's concert film from Let There Be Rock The Movie is) 2) They existed, with an -ed, but somehow were lost. 3) They never existed (at least on film), similar to T.N.T. from Let There Be Rock The Movie. Of course, there are other options. I'd like to think one of AC/DC's former labels (ahem, Atlantic) owns this concert tape and is holding it until Sony/Columbia or Alberts can come up with a decent figure, or Sony/Columbia or Alberts hasn't even thought about it. If I remember correctly, reading the Google translated version of the Arnaud Durieux "Plug Me In" interview, he said that stuff like this and Rock In Rio weren't used because it's technically part of the "Flick Of The Switch" tour. Rock In Rio was pre-Fly 1985.
Travis, Thanks for your response but I am not really interested in speculation. Does anyone know for sure about the existence of the missing video tracks I mentioned above?
I'm pretty sure that the tracks exist in an audience recording. But as for pro-shot, we'll probably never know for sure.
I have the full audio version of Donington 1984 but that audio version is only about a 7 out of 10
Yes. It's great. Hey whoever has it release it or Sap will crush you!Ok? I sapator please give donigton to me. I want watch and headback like idiot. Please give donigton i to see it very very.I thank.
I know that TNT & DDDDC exist because the youtube vidoes were shared on another site for a very short time.
The only two videos that are left were LTBR and Highway to Hell.
Riff Raff, Someone out there has to have these. I am about 3/4 of the way done reediting all the tracks in order to make a consistent looking dvd concert. Does anyone have these tracks to share on video for the Donington '84 pro shot version? Back In Black Highway To Hell DDDDC LTBR T.N.T. Please respond!!!!!!
Patrick_Ronacher, Are you able to email me the one file with Back In Black? If yes, please send to If no, can you think of another way like megaupload etc. etc. I am on the hub as well if you use that and I can give you the room information. Thanking you in advance for your reply.
I would put the problem is that my internet connction sucks, when i upload anything. I will see if i can go online by an other computer. By the way is megaupload for free?
Patrick, Can you still try and email the one file to me even though it will take awhile? I have downloaded things for free using megaupload but I have not uploaded. Have you used the dc ++ hub?
2nd REQUEST>>>> Patrick_Ronacher, Are you able to email me the one file with Back In Black? If yes, please send to If no, can you think of another way like megaupload etc. etc. I am on the hub as well if you use that and I can give you the room information.
Hey acdc74 what is when i put the video on youtube? I took some time to upload it, but i will try my best
Patrick Ronacher, If you could upload Back In Black from Donington 1984 to youtube, that would be great. Can you simply post the URL right here and then I will know where to grab it? Thanks for your help. Riff Raff, I am still trying to finish making the Donington 84 pro shot dvd but I still need a total of 5 tracks. Can anyone help? Back In Black Highway To Hell DDDDC LTBR T.N.T.
acdc74, I got hold of Back in Black and uploaded it for you. Cheers
Mammoth, Hell fucking yeah!!! Thanks a lot for providing this track. MUCH APPRECIATED. Getting closer!!! Still only need Highway To Hell, DDDDC, LTBR and TNT and then the good Donington version will be complete. C'mon RIFF RAFF - - SOMEONE out there has to have these last 4 tracks AND are willing to share them with the true AC/DC fans of this world. P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, I'm BEGGING! Thanks Scotty from Detroit (acdc74)
And here is LTBR ---> I am still searching for the remaining 3 videos. I'll be away for 2 weeks so hopefully someone will share them by the time I return. Cheers
Mammoth, Man, you really came through again!!!! I had searched high and low for these tracks but you keep finding them. Gold star for you! Only missing H2H, DDDDC and TNT now.
My first post on this forum. Thanks Mammoth for uping those 2 songs. I was at this show as 16 year old - my first big gig! I was that green that I thought the bottles the crowd were throwing contained beer! I missed the first lot of vids on you tube and would love to get a hold of these. If someone would be so kind as to up them I will be very grateful. I am missing Shoot To Thrill Sin City Bad Boy Boogie Part 2 (Strip Tease) Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution Flick Of The Switch The Jack As well as of course... Highway To Hell DDDDC T.N.T.
Riff Raff, Let's go people!!!!!!!! SOMEONE out there has H2H, DDDDC and T.N.T. and is simply being a stingy bastard. Please share with the masses. I have done the legwork as far as editing so I am willing to make a complete bootleg DVD and share it but I need the missing tracks. Help a fucking brother out. Thanks
If it holds true, the original user that posted the videos on YouTube did not post all of them. From what I've heard, he's the only one that has the video as well. I've been contacted by the owner of the master copy and he's interested in selling it, but it's a bit out of my price range unfortunately.
Nate, Actually, he posted all of them but one. I have already said that 2 out of the 3 still missing videos had been posted on another forum. I have tried to get them without success so far but I am still trying my best.
ok, my mistake Mammoth. I thought he said he never posted them. Yep, I do believe it was Billy.
No problem Nate. I mentioned earlier in this thread the 2 videos being TNT & DDDDC and I'll keep chasing everyone I know til I get them.
Hey, anything new anyone. I'd be great if someone could share the stuff they got. Sadly i only managed to get a few tracks. I'm sure that me and a lot of the riff raff would love to have this gig an upload would be great Cheers!
can someone repost the BIB and LTBR? files no longer exist
billy karloff Nov 13, 2008 02:26 pm "give up it's all gone. " just the 1 question though billy,you have obviously got it, and my curiosity is piqued, Why dont you share it?
what's this all about? I believe we are still missing 3 tracks of that show, 2 of them had been posted before on youtube.
Hey Mammoth could you please upload Back in Black again. Much Appreciated!
Sure, I'll do that tonight when I get home from work.
Actually here it is much earlier than I myself expected. :-)
Thanks a lot Mammoth For the others that dont have them here is the ones that I have: (Guns for Hire, Shoot to Thrill, Sin City) (Rock N Roll Aint Noise Pollution, Flick of the Switch, Hells Bells) (The Jack, Have a Drink on Me, Whole Lotta Rosie) (Bad Boy Boogie) (Let There Be Rock) (For Those About to Rock) They are all split up so if you just need one specific video you dont have to download all of the other zip files. These were all found by Dailydoseofacdc and he doesnt have any other songs.
Bad Boy Boogie and Let There Be Rock have both parts and have been put together.
daclarob "just the 1 question though billy,you have obviously got it, and my curiosity is piqued, Why dont you share it?" what does PIQUED mean?
Billy, Dave (daclarob) means to provoke or arouse by his use of piqued. Basically, you have aroused his curiousity. I had emailed back and forth with you several months ago about Donington 1984. You have not ever officially answered my question. Do you have the FULL concert including Highway To Hell and T.N.T.? Also, I think that you had mentioned that you didn't really want to share this video because you thought people would sell it. Is that correct? I can assure you that I SHARE everything that I have and I have never sold any AC/DC bootlegs video or audio. I give tons of stuff away for free to people because it's the right thing to do. Bootlegs are made for sharing so the TRUE FANS can relish every note that is played. If you do have the full video, how about making everyone happy for Christmas and finally sharing it as an upload on Rapidshare or Megaupload? It truly would be appreciated and the fans are crying for it. Thanks for your consideration.
I sold it. piqued, piqu·ing, piques 1. To cause to feel resentment or indignation. 2. To provoke; arouse: The portrait piqued her curiosity. 3. To pride (oneself): He piqued himself on his stylish attire.
fair enough, at last we know (?) what became of the vids,took ye a while to answer the question but better late than never I spose. Hope you got a decent price for it,must remind myself what a twat I am for sharing my stuff, hell I could be sitting on a goldmine.......................................................... ........................................................................ ................................on second thoughts, NAH! I aint that much of a fuckin mercenary!
Hi Dave "what became of the vids," I sold them to a bunch of crooks. "took ye a while to answer the question" I sayeth sir some good old english "ye" talk. "NAH! I aint that much of a fuckin mercenary!" Noreth am I sir I ist just a complete cunt. bye.
acdc74, you mentionned TNT & HTH missing. Please tell me you found DDDDC. :-) Billy, don't know what's your point coming in here and restarting the thread just to remind us we are missing some tracks. Really, what's the point? Let me anyway make a general comment: As I have stated here and on many other sites, TNT & DDDDC were uploaded before on youtube so I presume, unfortunately, that some fellow fans have them and despite the many requests, have chosen not to share them. That's the sad reality!
1. I didn't restart it. 2. At least I'm not the only cunt in the world.
"what became of the vids," I sold them to a bunch of crooks. "took ye a while to answer the question" I sayeth sir some good old english "ye" talk. "NAH! I aint that much of a fuckin mercenary!" Noreth am I sir I ist just a complete cunt. ach well,if the cap fits I spose, personally I wouldnt have chosen such a derogatory term myself but who am I to judge eh? As for my usage of the English language and its colloquialisms,yeah I am quite knowledgable,comes from being a Scot and having taken advantage of a University education. But in closing, as I said in my previous post, one does hope you got a sufficient price for your vids,but one cant help but wonder,would (to use your own vernacular here) a "cunt" such as yourself part with said tapes without retaining copies in order to dangle them in front of the masses at a later date? On consideration, no, I dont think you would do that. Peace out friend Dave
Dave I kept a copy to watch at home every day with a cup of tea.
good for you mate,as for myself Im pesonally not that interested in the videos,my memory is still good and I recall quite well Donington '84.Im just perplexed as to what pleasure you gain from what is tantamount to rubbing the others noses in it? From what I see this thread started in June,its now November,man thats a long time to maintain such a jape. Truly impressed I am on the magnificence of your tenacity.
no pleasure at all believe me. perplexed tantamount jape magnificence tenacity. Such fine English words from a Scottish Geezer. I like you fancyy a drink one night?
think you could afford to kep up with a Scotsman in the pusuit of a wee libation?
At last, the 2 missing tracks! My thanks again the the fan who provided them. Enjoy.
Mammoth, Right now I am at work. I will check these out when I get home. Who provided these 2 tracks? Which 2 tracks are they? We had still needed 3 tracks total, right? DDDDC H2H TNT
acdc74, I repeatedly said that I never saw HTH posted, so...:-)
DDDC and TNT are the ones that I will get tonight then. Yeah. Thanks so much for posting Mammoth. Who did you get these from? Just found them on youtube? Did Billy Karloff actually come through and share these?
hope you'll enjoy. Remember I said the youtube vids were posted on another site before getting deleted? well, I ended finding a guy who contacted the original poster and got them from him. It took a while but it was worth the try. I wish Billy ends up sharing the lone missing track..
And maybe we get a version of TNT who is completed. Yours mammoth is incomplete. But thanks for sharing and i think acdc74 is also happy now.
yeah I knew it's incomplete and I am not sure the complete version exists. Glad you're happy too.
^^ i would be happier if exo upload the 21th November 2000 Stadthalle Vienna Show.
hi, the link above doesn't work any longer. would someone care to repost it? much, much appreciated. p.s. not quite getting all the history and dynamics of personalities on this thread, but it seems content worthy of an indie film: hardcore fans searching like mad for missing bootleg tracks. someone has them but instead of sharing them plays word games on internet forums. i'd watch that.