New AC/DC Hub would be cool
Hello mates ! The next AC/DC tour is coming soon. What about a new AC/DC Hub (DC++) with ONLY AC/DC collectors in it ? Nothing else ! Not big and with password, like Superbayman's hub was; of course only audio/video bootlegs. Only 1 GB minimum, 2 slots. That would be cool... PS: I can't install such things, sorry. CARRY ME HOME !
I agree with you Volker. We need a new hub room dedicated to AC/DC stuff. Hope all is well with you buddy!
I agree with you Volker. We need a new hub room dedicated to AC/DC stuff. Hope all is well with you buddy!
me also, god knows bluesbreakers useta be easy but christ its hard work now, so i 3rd that suggestion bro
We need a computer expert to set this up. Any volunteers? I agree that bluesbreakers has a lot of rules and I have to keep a lot of stuff on my hard drive just to enter the room. Superbayman's room used to be top notch and still not sure why it disappeared so long ago.
Superbayman's room was great. I think, if I'm not mistaken, that he had to stop running it because his motherboard shot itself. I have tried to get one set up myself, but unfortunately my wireless router and my modem wouldn't allow it. In order to get one running, it requires the same basic setup that allows you to run a web server, plus a special piece of software to control the DC server. Also it requires running your computer all the time, or building a server to run it.