New AC/DC Board
Check out this new Site: Post all your AC7DC Stuff here. Lucky1970
Lots of cool stuff guys. everything is organized by year, and there is many rare ones for 86, 88 and so on.
Ask him where he poached all his bootlegs from. A good majority of them are mine, along with a few others who use this forum. Naughty, but good luck to you.
Well, it's all abut sharing, but never forget to credit the one who provided the 'boot for the first time or the site where you DL'd it from. Cheers guys, it's saturday and I got tickets to the Stockholm show on february 20. Hope to get some tickets to Oslo february 18 on monday also.
in replies to grahamlfarrell... Lucky didn't steal a thing from your board.. Want proof? Go look... Every link is different, and there is a lot more of Black Ice Coots.
Don't want a slagging match with you Jason, especialy here on Nates site. I wished the guy "Good Luck" and I ment it. I wish you the same mate. So lets stop this now. Graham.