how to get to AC/DC hub
a lot of people are saying how 'this show is available on the hub.' For those who have no idea what we're talking about; we're talking about the AC/DC hub on the DC++ network. This hub was made by a guy named 'superbayman' and in this hub the people in it share a variety of AC/DC bootlegs. To download DC++: this is not a plug for DC++, but once downloaded and once you go onto the AC/DC hub, you will find that three out of the four shows that are in the poll for BOTM are offered on the hub. THE LARGO '80 IS NOT!!! hope that helps. -Dan
Sorry if I am stupid but is the hub just called AC/DC Hub becuase I couldn't find any thing about AC/DC.
its called SuperBaymans AC/DC hub; heres the address: hope that helps. -Dan