Setlist from first Stadium gig.
Rock n roll train Hell ain't a bad place to be Back in black Big jack Dirty deeds done dirt cheap Shot down in flames Thunderstruck Black ice The jack Hells bells Shoot to thrill War machine Dog eat dog Anything goes You shook me all night long TNT Whole lotta rosie Let there be rock Highway to hell For those about to rock Same accept Dog eat Duck. Terrible :(
i dont care for the setlist but awesome that Dog Eat Dog is now in the set. one of my favorite songs and hopefully they bring that to the American shows. would love to chant along in the chorus
The concert hasn't even started yet, how could you know that?
I this the set they are now playing because i'm confused or is this a prediction
I hope it's a prediction b/c I don't want to hear Dog Eat Dog.
Hey!You're talking to Sapator here!They man that knows it's stuff. It's the frikin' setlist, ok. I don't wanna hear the same 5 black ice songs over and over again.Mercy!
Dang, now that I've seen the Dog Eat Dog vid on YT, I guess I have no choice but to believe him. What a shame. They could have picked so many better songs. It was a great performance, but I'd still like to see some other new songs. IMO HAABPTB is a waste of setlist space. It's not much of a hit and it's not rare since it's been done on the last three tours, so it doesn't need to be there.
I agree suicidehammer, there are dozens of songs they could have chose from. I mean they have an 18 album back cat, they have at least 200 to choose from.
Anyone know what time the show actually started? I am going to the Munich show tonight. The Tix say 18:00, but numerous websites selling tix give different times, such as 19:00 and 21:00. 18:00 broad daylight seems a little early for an openair ACDC show.
Show started at 9 your local German time. Hehe.Sapator knows before anyone else right ;)
So, assuming that The Answer opened, ACDC did not come on until 10:30 or so? I saw a pic of a ticket for Leipzig and it also said 18:00. How did people know that the show did not really start until 21:00? I'd be pretty pissed if I was deceived into sitting around for 3 hours paying for overpriced beers.
Ok let me correct that. AC/DC came out at 21:00.
dog eat dog is one of BON'S signature songs. right.?
You can say that.Along with everything on Powerage that they do not play yet.
easy answer forget the beer, its watered down pish in a plastic glass and too soddin xpensive, get there early,dont wear a watch, go herbal bros, the time will melt and youll have a ball