Malcolm talks about box and new album. check that link. completely from WholelottaTobe on Rising Power Forum!!!
Woooow well I suppose that must explain the setlist... they don't have time to rehearse if they're working on an album!
HOLY FUCK THAT MAKES ME HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i get to see them on their next tour another three times
I'm wondering though if they will tour. I mean Brian wants to get back home and race so it may be tough talking him into another tour after over two years on the road for BI.
Ye but the album won't come next year.It will probably take 3-4 years to be released.So he should have plenty of time to rest.
Nah, if they're writing for it now, I'd expect them to be recording by 2011... It should be more like the old albums though if it's being written while on tour instead of at home.
Well i hope you're right but Mal says (if i hear correctly) that they have not written any new stuff yet.Remember that for BI the songs were written 3 years before its release (when Brian talked about they are so many songs they could release a double album).
Mal said set changes in south america and AUSTRALIA!
Sap: The BI songs were BEING written 3 years before but they probably didn't have any complete songs until at least 1 year before. Brian probably just hear the million riffs they wrote and made that statement. Mal said: "We've been recording stuff every night and maybe 2-3 songs will actually make it" Unless he was talking about recording live stuff for a DVD or CD. crispy: He didn't say it definitely though he sounded more like he was trying to BS the guy to get him to go away.
"Unless he was talking about recording live stuff for a DVD or CD." That's what i thought he said but no sure.
Sap: The "interviewer" was kind of talking over him so it's hard to be sure as you said. I would be surprised though if they were recording every night. Seems like a bit of a waste if they're doing essentially the same show every night (no set changes)...
"Mal said set changes in south america and AUSTRALIA! " Oh boy! I wonder what they will add! I hope its something gooooodddd. Because the setlist on this tour is a bit boring. But it was still worth paying the money to see them for my first time ever.
If Mal said it it must be true, also if they do come out I hope they play near Lacrosse, WI