ACDC Mash-Ups/Bootlegs
I'm new to this website and thought it would be wise to connect with some of you. I'm a bootlegger of mash-ups and bastard pop. I was thinking of creating a mash-up album of popular ACDC tunes, but I'm not interested in doing it if someone else has already created one. Does anyone know if this has been done? "Mash-Up's" (also known as bootlegs or bastard pop) are remixes. With the proliferation of digital music software and the internet, an entire world of music production has begun, spawning an army of "bedroom producers" and "desktop DJs." The basic premise of a Mash-Up, is that you take two songs, ideally, two very different songs and combine them into one new and unique song. Of course, there are many variations on this theme, and today's mash-ups can be very complex.
Yes unfortunently it has been done, but I dont think it was ever an official release.
unfortunently? what causes you to say that? Do you know who made it? where I can find it? etc... Thanks
I say unfortunently, because you said you wouldnt do it if someone else has done it. Theres no name under who made it, but u can get it on any p2p file sharing networks.
Dj John, I have the mash up of AC/DC's Back In Black and Eminem's My Name Is.. The person who made it called it My Name Is Back In Black. Not sure who made it originally.