Getting back into trading.
I use to trade back in 04. Got lucky and traded with bignate for a while heres my list. Cleaveland oh, USA july 28 1999 DVD Phili, PA, USA Stage Right, 1990. DVD Stockholm Sweden 3/22/91 DVD Keil Germany 4-13-91 DVD Edmonton Canada 6-22-91 DVD Vienna Austria 5-19-96 DVD Milton Keynes 8, June 2001 DVD Pittsburgh, PA USA MArch 25, 1996 DVD Knsas City, MO, USA DEC 7, 1990 Geneva 5/12/96 DVD Still crazy in berlin June 9th 2005 DVD Glasgow SELL 20/4/91 DVD Montreal, Canada 16-12-83 DVD Basel Switzerland 6-7-01 DVD Canberra AUS 2-3-01 DVD Landover, MD, USA Nov 18, 1990 DVD SELL, Glasgow 1-6-96 DVD Phili, Pen USA stage left Nov 6, 1990 DVD March 20 Orlando Fl audio I need some common bs first off. Looking for sydney 1981, and the best quality largo show out there. Thanks guys.
maybe idk lets see who bites. I've been away to long.