Forum heres some stuff that is hosted on temporary file servers and will be deleted if there are no downloads in 30 days cheers
You can't use the [url]"url"[/url] to link stuff on this forum. gotta use HTML Click here for the site there, that should work.
Just checked out the site, he did a great job stealing links posted at various bootleg uploading sites, but hey at least he admits it: "a big thanks goes out to all the AC/DC fansites, without them i would not have been able to steal all the pictures and files they originally uploaded!!!!" I believe we had this problem before Nate, didn't we? I assume the same action will be taken.
Taken care of, he was sharing links for stuff he had posted on me and this other guy's site. So he's just using his own links... still don't know why he put that thing about stealing links and pictures...
Take a wild guess. Look at his name!!!!!!!!Shit head make any sense of it all now!!?
could someone please upload the largo video i love the songs(ive only got hell's bell's) on the website and please tell me when you upload it.