Hi! Hey Nate, I got an Idea. There has been a little thing that has been frustrating me from the moment I joined your great page. Why does it always sign you out automatically? It's very annoying. It would ba a great thing to add an option where you could choose to stay signed in after you login or to get automatically signed out like now. Other than that great site, keep up the good work Nate, we love ya!
I never had this happen, are you sure that it's not your internet settings?
It does the same for me...Other than that,this website is perfect(well,close enough) Very easy to use
It is frustrating in the fact that if you are in the middle of posting something for example and leave your computer for too long, when you come back you are already signed out and then you would have to retype everything. I get around this by copying what I have typed so far and pasting it in Microsoft Word for example. Then I continue to finish my post, sign back in to the site and paste the post.