If You Want Blood... demo lyrics
Hello. Is there an official story explaining why the lyrics from the demo version of IYWB were changed on Highway to Hell? (Dropping the working man giving more and getting less lyrics, etc.)
Never heard an "official" story of why but I do know that I can't even listen to the version on HTH since hearing the demo version. Besides having much better lyrics than the version on HTH in my opinion, it's much rawier and dirtier sounding, the way I like my AC/DC music. Cheers!
Umm... what story could there possibly be? Bands will change the lyrics of songs several times in the writing process because they don't like them.
Sometimes a writer will go on record on why he changed a lyric. Just wondering if anyone had heard anything about this one, lyrically diff from much of HtH.
Most likely they thought it wasn't as refined as the producer had wanted.
It was originally sposed to be called 'if you want Bon, you got him'
gotta love all these suppositions dontcha?