Need show
Hi, there was a thread about this before but everyone seems to be ignoring it. I'm looking for the show called "Festival of Sydney The Haymarket, Sydney 30/01/77". I believe this is also known as "Shoot! Shoot! Don't Talk". I've been looking for this show for about a year with no luck so I'm hopeing that someone here will be generous enough to give it to me. I'd most appreciate it. Thanks.
I've got the complete show, "shoot shoot don't talk" has only a part of it. Are you on the DC++ hub? I can't email it, it's too large.
I also have this one and I am sharing it on the hub. If you are on the hub you can take it from me or several other users, as it is a common show on there. If not I'm sure I can e-mail it to you song by song, if your email supports large attachments. I use Yahoo and I can send and receive 10 MB attachments.
i'd like this too, am on the hub as thebadest (passive). If you are passive, just rar it and use sendspace.