Looking For "For Those About to Rock: Monsters in Moscow" (with Metallica, Pantera, etc.)
I'd be happy to trade with anyone for this DVD. Here's a link to my tradelist: I have been searching for this video a long time and I can't it anywhere. Note that I'll only do shipping in the USA only. Nothing against those who live outside the USA, it's just that I can't ship things outside the country due to a bad experience one time doing so. Can anyone help me?
Hi doctor! I have this one, but only as a downloaded file in mpeg format. If you want, I'll send you a burned cd. Cheers!
Hey bouderbala,any chance you could send the link my way?
@bouderbala PM me a link instead. I guess it'll have to do.
Hi everybody! As I wrote, I only have a complete file in mpeg format, and I have no idea, how to make a link of it. But I searched for you and found something, I hope this works for you. AC/DC Monsters Of Rock, Live Moscow 1991 [links removed by admin] By the way, I'm not shure, if this is official material or not, I hope not so. I hope it works. Cheers!
Sorry, Nate. If anyone wants the links, PM me.
I'm sorry Nate, i was not really shure. Cheers!