stiff upper lip, hard as a rock, and bad boy boogie.
i was lookin' at the concert history, and i clicked on the B.I. tour rehersal, and i saw this picture from NATE and it has a list of songs most of which are the B.I. set list, but it also had; stiff upper lip, hard as a rock, and bad boy boogie. were those songs considered to be on the tour, i see that the songs had some stars next to them, does someone know what the stars meant? cause if they were considered for the B.I. tour they might be considered for next tour.
oh heres the link to the picture;
Yep they were on the list of songs to be possibly played, Sadly they didn't make it.I bet half the people who complain so much wouldn't if those wee in the set.
If my memory is correct but then again i may be wrong,i did provide the link. Anyway to get things right. The tour was fine till they did their first leg.But does it make sense to come back to a country just to play the same things? Don't wanna start the same bs about setlist(my opinion is set and will never change) but doesn't this look like "we don't even try", "don't give a f^ck"?