Airbourne shooting video for new single...
Bottom of the Well! I never imagined they would give this song it's due. It's easily their best. I figured they would do like AC/DC did with Ride On and never play it live or release it as a single. Hopefully they will start to play it live after the single is released. I'm curious as to what they have planned for a video for the song. It's a very good song to listen to when you're running or working out because it's so... triumphant I guess, IDK how else to describe it. Like "Eye of the Tiger". I can imagine them playing it in a desert or something like that. And I know Ride On was done live, but I'm trying to make a point.
This is great news! I fell in love with the song in no time :-D
I didn't know there were such things as singles anymore. I haven't seen a CD or cassette single in record stores for years, maybe even for a whole decade.
Best song on the album,hell yes! Thanks for the info. dude -Cheers
RNRDamnation: I believe RNR Train was released as single only on vinyl, and I bought the Velvet Revolver single (unwittingly) for "Slither" when that came out.
@ RnRDamnation So you say you havenīt seen any singles since years were you live? Intressting. Since here in europe singles and samplers are more intressting then the actually album. But that counts for people like Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber and whatsoever.
I know that you can occasionally pick up something like a rare vinyl single, like that Runaway Train single mentioned above, but there's nothing in the mainstream. I know there are also such thing as digital singles (ie - iTunes), but the idea of a mainstream single release doesn't mean a hell of a lot anymore in traditional terms, anyways, here in Canada. Radio's basically irrelevant and has been for a couple of decades now. It's pretty much an ad delivery system punctuated by blandly annoying DJs and the occasional song we're supposed to like because we're told to (ie - Bieber, Gaga and being told Runaway Train is the song we should be listening to off of Black Ice), but with the advent of the mp3 player, I'm not sure anyone actually takes radio and, by extension, "singles" seriously anymore. The same argument can be applied to MTV and MuchMusic, who no longer really play music or support "singles" anymore. So singles then would seem to be left over from the plastic age, unless iTunes, Spotify and so on can reach the mainstream as a serious promotional source. iTunes is getting there, but it's not mainstream enough yet for them to release a "single" and actually make a difference. So again, I'm just not understanding the excitement over a "single", especially because singles are supposed to build excitement over the purchase of an album and it sounds like those responding to this Airbourne news already purchased or downloaded the album long ago, so a single is basically irrelevant to them, too. In other news, I finally got around to watching The Story of Anvil and found it one of the saddest stories I have ever seen. A real-life Spinal Tap, man. I recommend checking it out - it may become very relevant to Airbourne fans as time marches on.
Very funny RNRDamnation, but Airbourne is already way more successful than Anvil ever were. As much as I feel for those guys, I saw them and they sucked hard.
Actually, Anvil were VERY successful and influential in their first few years of existence. I'm not sure the same can be said for Airbourne, except that they seem to appeal to those who like mediocre photocopies of AC/DC (but at least Airbourne are fun).
Not really. The best they could do even for their movie was a few interviews and some footage from one fairly big concert (which looked like a festival meaning not everybody was there for them). Airbourne has played Wacken and Donnington more than once and has a big record label backing them. Plus, they're in a bunch of video games, making them way more relevant that Anvil ever was. Sorry, but Anvil was just an unknown band who was lucky enough to get Slash to say he liked them.
hey suicide- have you seen the video for it? Its ok IMO because it doesnt really show what the "bottom of the well" can be but I like the live vids inside.