AC/DC Newspaper/Magazine reviews and adverts
I was wondering where and if I could post some pictures and scans of articles on AC/DC reviews of gigs, advertisements, etc.? Here is the problem, I cannot post a link becausae most of my material was taken from newspaper/magazine archives I paid for which I invested some money into and was available to me when I was in college, so only college students had access to this. I understand the rules here regarding posting things like this, but would like to share my findings with everyone here and provide some great material for all AC/DC fans from around the globe. However, I do not want to violate any rules here and have respect for everything BigN has done for this site and know the legal battles he has had before with stuff like this. So, if BigN or someone who can correctly confirm if I can post my items, or if this is not allowed I would appreciate it. I have newspaper copies I obtained and paid for from my library and through the sites I obtained these from, so not sure if this would make it ok. If not, I understand and again respect the decision of BigN. Thanks P.S. If it is ok, let me know the appropriate area to post these, maybe in the 'Concert History' section just as ticket stubs and ads are now.
BigN, I also forgot to mention the archive paper on microfilm at my library gave me the ok to post their material, as long as it is not for selling purposes. I talked to the editor and since the material is offered already to the public on microfilm, there really would not be an issue. I also stated I would credit the source of their paper which they said would be appreciated, such as a caption under the scanned article stating the source. I just wanted to make sure they gave me the ok before posting stuff from their paper even though I paid for copies at the library and at the same time providing you the info I received which may answer any questions you may have.
I think after the lawsuit, Nate is probably gonna be a bit skiddish about people posting articles, maybe link to a copy hosted on your own site, but not directly posted to this site. I've got an interesting idea, if they are scannable copies, post them to a site such as Photobucket, and then post the link (not the image) here. If they are digital, then post them to a blog/other textual-based website, and then post a link. I don't think we'll ever see "copy and paste" allowed on this site again...stupid company-that-shall-remain-nameless. PS: I heard that a judge, in an official manner, actually used the word "troll" in a court case referring to a video game company's relentless suits over the word "edge," that recently involved EA's Mirror's Edge. Wonder if we'll even hear of that being used with relation to the-unnamed-company. PPS: I do know their name, I'm just refusing to speak it since I don't want web searches turning up this thread.
Thanks Travishayes, I will most likely start a Photobucket page with all my scans which will take time to go through all and post them. I am just leary as well since I do not want to get into any trouble regading protected material, so not sure if this would be a good idea. I guess I will not post them here to be safe and just post the links to them instead if I come across some of the ones I have. Thanks for the help Travis.