The Rare Remastered Tracks
Ok guys, so my main computer crashed and now I'm down to my Vista laptop. I was working on a side by side thing to upload on Christmas... but it's mostly gone. I was working on my edits for the Largo concert and before it went was able to upload my artwork I made which I thought was cool. I was able to back up one of the projects I called "The Rare Remastered Tracks." It's not much but I hope you guys like it. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Working on something my self... The best thing I've ever done. Not ready yet,though,lol. Checking out you artwork now,hasn't finished downloading yet.
Just downloaded it,didn't know it had audio included,lol. Suprised me to find my High Voltage edit as well,I knew about Jailbreak but not that one. You're a qucik one,it's only been uaround for a day,haha. I have to say, Let It Loose sounds the best,don't know what or how you did it,but it's an improvement, -Cheers
I wanted to put this up in case this computer crashed too, and with my luck it would have. Enjoy!!
Very nice Hells Death, love the artwork and audio!! Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays ;)