

CONTEST: Win 'Let There Be Rock' Blu-Ray when released

Member #24,943

Num Posts: 260
Country: US

Hey members, I thought as a way to thank those who have been avid contributors and for supporting a great site, I thought a contest would be a way of saying thanks and appreciation for those involved. I am willing to pay for a copy of the 'Let There Be Rock' Blu-Ray when it is released in June to the winner of this contest. I hope this is ok with Nate, if not, feel free to pull the thread, but don't see why it would be an issue. but it is his site, so what he says goes. I also hope the idea of a contest doesn't sound cheesy, but I have not seen a contest around for quite sometime which was run by a member of the forum here and thought it would get everyone an extra boost of anticipation and take our minds off of the upcoming release which may seem like years from now until June! I was trying to think of a contest which would be fair to everyone, so I came up with a few ideas and need input from those who want to participate. The questions or idea for the contest will be based on the majority of those responding to a particular selection. After getting the ok from Nate to do this, and enough posters to make a decision on the contest, I will post an update. Here is a list of some of the contest ideas: 1. I will ask 10 questions about the band based on history and from both the Bon and Brian eras. 2. Name my 5 favorite AC/DC albums (not in any particular order, just the 5 which I like the most) 3. I will ask 5 questions about the band based on history (see #1) AND you must name my top 5 favorite bands 4. Name my 10 favorite songs by the band (both Bon/Brian eras) Again, choose which one seems more reasonable and the way the winner will be chosen is whoever comes the closest to naming the most questions will win. If I have a tie, I will throw in a tiebreaker, but will announce this when the time comes. I will let this contest go until May 1, 2011 this way everyone will know if they need to buy it or not or if they do not need to preorder a copy ahead of time if they should win. Now the tricky part is how to supply the winner with the dvd because some dvds are R1 and R2, unless this is an All Region Blu-Ray, this I will need input on to determine if I should just send funds to the winner or buy the dvd. I live in the U.S. just for those who need to know. Since many are from all over the world here, I can send funds in the correct currency such as euros, pounds, dollars, etc. Another way is if the winner wants to go ahead and purchase the dvd, I will reimburse them which this to me sounds like a better method, unless the winner has financial difficulty in obtaining a copy where I can send funds. Either way guys, let me know what you think and hope Nate can let me know if regular members here can post concerts or if it is only done by Nate himself. I just thought this is a great way of saying thanks and having a little funa swell, not to mention someone saving some $$ to buy this. Again, let me know which idea for the contest you want and the majority of posters with their replies will be based on that. Just a hint, the ideas with the questions might be hard, but the answers to all of them are available to everyone, so the resources are out there, you just have to find out what the correct answer is to each. Thanks
Member #20,764

Num Posts: 380
Country: Canada

Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

the first idea is best
Member #20,171

Num Posts: 328
Country: US

1st idea is the best. maybe if i knew you personally i would go for the other ones but no lol.
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

Ok couldn't help it, please ignore (i know i will) but it's finally good to hear you're actually paying for something. Another suggestion would be to burn the extra features(aka everything but the DVD) and record it.I'll make sure they get the video on Sony. Deal?
Member #24,943

Num Posts: 260
Country: US

Thanks to Flick for the screen shot of the 'Let There Be Rock' available dvd editions. To update, winner will have a choice of whichever edition. If they want just the dvd, that is ok. If they want the full Blu-Rayu combo package, that is also ok. Winner's pick. So far looks like the first choice is in the lead. Will probably wait until next week to get more feedback, appreciate those who have replied. Yes, that includes you too Sap :)
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

No problem Megatron. The Sony deal cannot be done anyhow cuz it's a Warner DVD. I'll just burn something else for the hell of it.
Member #23,896

Num Posts: 22
Country: Hungary

Member #13,328

Num Posts: 86
Country: Germany

Great idea! I would choose no. 1
Member #24,943

Num Posts: 260
Country: US

Working on the questions since I have a feeling number 1 is going to be the idea for the contest. I also have a feeling we will be using a definite tiebreaker since many of the questions will be answered by many due to the vasy array of smart members here who know their AC/DC history! Will post the questions Monday sometime, until then keep the feedback coming!
Member #1

Num Posts: 1,776
Country: US

Obviously this contest won't be sponsored by jspr96. If possible, I will get a copy to give away or am open to others volunteering to do the same.

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