Live Album Artwork
Fake, made by a creative fan over at Seems we have some talented AC/DC/photoshop fans,a lot of cool fake pics been put out lately.
i love how the cloud of smoke on the right is the same on both covers even though theyre different pictures and angles
I think Brian said that the new live dvd/cd will be release about two weeks not in June 11th.this date is the (re)release of the "let there be rock-the movie".right? :)
Wow, looks like pics from Donnington, lol. Mainly because in the background you can see one of the few square light clusters they brought back from the TRE stage. Much better, actually than the actual DVD cover.
I prefer the fake CD cover which is perfect, but the DVD/Blu Ray makes it look like Angus is farting or something, they picked a horrible picture..... lol
I prefer the fake CD cover which is perfect, but the DVD/Blu Ray makes it look like Angus is farting or something, they picked a horrible picture..... lol ------------------------ Haha well spotted