Donington 1984.
In a previous post this link is mentioned: So as you know i'm not heavily on bootlegging and i don't know if this material has been surfaced or what but i downloaded 200-300 mb of a dvd rip that has awful picture but the show seems pretty neat. So anyone got a clue?
Most of it has been posted on youtube and then removed shortly after, so there are lower quality rips circulating. The master would be pretty amazing to see, but last I heard the price was extremely high. Although that was a few years ago, so he may have changed his mind.
Who is billy karloff and what should i do to him? :P
Anyhow.Ye i only have seen rips but the picture is awful.
billykarloff uploaded this video briefly on youtube and pulled it down, (I was quick enough to download it and save it.) The picture quality is surprisingly great,best I've seen from this show. (almost Plug Me In worthy)
Here is an idea: Someone should try to get a hold of this guy and see how much money he wants for this show. Then we could start up a collection on here to get the money. Just a thought...
I don't see why this Billy character thinks he can be greedy and hold on to a show and not share this music with other die hard fans. This only shows his greediness towards others and he must work for Sony!!
BTW, I just sent him a nice and friendly PM about this. See if he responds ;)
Obviously Billy is seeing your posts here, but not responding. He just sent me a PM stating it is on Youtube. Not the ones we want, eh?
Normally I do not like to share PMs I receive, but since many here are wondering about this situation, I did receive another message from Billy stating "it is out of his hands" for the reason regarding taking the vids off Youtube, so I guess he has a legit reason for doing so which I respect. I am not sure why he does not come on here and address this issue himself and lay everything out for everyone to see for themselves, but he may have his reasons for not doing so which I can also respect since I do not know the whole situation. Like I told Billy, hopefully someday a better quality boot of one of the most popular concerts will emerge so we can all enjoy it. Until then, my fingers are crossd tightly ;P
You guys should gather all your "legit" material and ship it here so they can be released by sapator piratics ink.This copyright in the USA bull is getting on my nerves. Sony can bark but only bites in US.Oh, the stories i can tell you of what illegal material was circulating in the Greek division.At least they were no hypocrites to try and stop illegal transactions in Greece.
^I know, copyright legalities suck here and I wish it would just all disappear.
I wish I was younger! but hey "whats next to the MooN.