Hebrew(and arab) is Greek by Joseph Isaac Jahuda
The famous professor Joseph Isaac Jahuda(that i don't know him) studied 30 years these languages and he wrote a book in 1982 that was "vanished" saying that Hebrew and Arab are actually Greek. So great, we just need 2-3 more languages and we own worlds a$$! F#cking Greek politicians, traitor bastards whores!
i love when sap shares his thoughts ..a-men brother an fellow acdcian...have a good day man...jeffro...
Luckily it doesn't get worst than me so you know the limits of this site .
Ι πολύ αγάπη Sapator "περίεργο" αλλά ενδιαφέρουσες θέσεις που διευρύνει το νου και πεδίο εφαρμογής της κανονικής καθημερινής propoganda οι πολιτικοί μας και τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης να προσπαθήσουμε να διοικήσεών μας. Ο Βασιλιάς της Sapila έχει και πάντα θα είναι το σωστότερο το σοφό στην γνώση του πολιτισμού της Ελλάδας και κοινωνική εξέλιξη.Babylon 9
^ Babylon 9? That should not be there, sorry Sap!!
Huh?!I told you the translator cannot do it man.I only got the king of sapila part,well half of it.Oh and Babylon9 :) .
^Dammit, forgot you mentioned that to me and I tried a bunch of them thinking it would work. Oh well, since I cannot go back and translate the above post of mine, it basically was stating how wise and knowledgeable the King of Sapila is on his Greek heritage and culture in which people like me from other neck of the woods can learn history from. Also like your Greek ideology posts now and then even though they may not be related to AC/DC, gives us all something to ponder at ;)
Ah,Well yes i'm a God and the best and handsome etc but,ok,you didn't have to say all those things,i'm blushing and stuff but , well, i deserve them and , ah anyhow (will pay you later buddy ;) )