Thanks AngusRudd for the link, interesting news update and great to see a husband like Malcolm doing this for his wife and son which is cool IMHO. Even if this means delaying the new anticipated album since he obviously won't have much time to do this once the album is released and touring starts, oh, getting ahead of myself here!!
Yea, it's a long ways away but like you said it's cool that he is going out to search his family roots with his family before he gets too old and tired. Plus this gives me more time to try and get Brian and/or Cliff on stage with my tribute band and make a lifelong dream of mine come true!!!
Sounds like he isn't in too much of a hurry to get any material out. I'm sure most of us have figured out by now that you can only take Brian's comments with a grain of salt so anything he says is pretty much gibberish. I'm just glad we aren't still waiting for what became Black Ice, so they can take their time for all I care now.
I'd rather they just focus on making sure the 2 or 3 songs they're going to play in concert are REALLY, REALLY GOOD instead of writing a whole album with 5-7 (or more) filler tracks we'll never hear live. Otherwise, we'll just end up with more Runaway Trains (awesome riff, fucking stupid song)...
I personally wish they would just tour instead of do another album...I would like to hear Sin City, Live Wire, Put The Finger On You, Rocker, and songs that haven't been played in ages on this last tour...But I ain't complaining if they do do another album
AngusRudd: We know in this universe it's all about the McShow, but there's probably an alternate universe where the band plays Shake Your Foundations followed by Let Me Put My Love Into You followed by She's Got Balls and so on... Man, it would be nice to hear those alternate universe, creative setlists rather than the lame, corporate autopilot sets... Thinking about it, though, the alternate universe does exist in this universe. It's just the version of AC/DC that's called Helles Belles...
I think they just need to not record a new record so they have space for the goodies from the past. It is impossible for them not to play BIB, Hells Bells, YSMANL, HTH, Thunderstruck, Rosie, Dirty Deeds, FTATR, and The Jack. That leaves them 8 - 10 empty spaces for songs we haven't heard in a while but they usually fill those spots up with new songs from a new album.