Suggestions for site
OK, I thought it was time to post a thread for anyone who has suggestions to improve this site and make it more easier for everyone. I noticed lately a lot of members, some who are new, some who are old, some who post regularly, and some who don't. One thing which should be addressed is download links which no longer work. Those who post links for boots which no longer work should reup their boots and provide a new link, or at least make a comment stating their link no longer works. Now that Megaupload is shut down, there are many links on this forum that are dead. It is not that hard to figure out which shows you posted this way members are not sent to a dead link when they click on the link. Nate, I suggest a Dead Link section where this can be addressed for links to be posted that do not work, this would be a grewat start for anyone wanting to know if a link is dead by checking here first. Now that we are on links, I wish people would use links that work properly and not ones you click on that do not work. I do not know how many times I clicked on a link which is not working or something got screwed up by the uploader. Now I know sometimes it is not the uploader's fault, but that is why I started this thread to maybe sort these problems out. I use Hotfile and love it. Depositfiles and are also good ones now that MU is shut down. There are a lot of torrent sites I do not trust, so I personally do not use them which is why I never used Dimeadozen until just recently to try and grab a show. And no, it is not always the fault on my end (which I have been accused of before) since I see others who have the same issues I do when it comes to links not working. Another suggestion I would like to make is when posting Giveaways, can we just pick those members that post here regularly/ i do not think it is fair for someone who may have been on here for 10 years who never posts anything to all of a sudden just join in the Giveaways, when there are others like myself who post regularly and contribute to the site who should be rewarded instead of a few who never post, only to expect to win something. I have seen this done on other sites which was actually an issue brought up which worked out for everyone, so hopefully it can be done here. But it is up to Nate of course since he runs the show here. Finally, I have been contributing here with boots, artwork, and material for the Concert History section and would like to see more members doing so also besides a handful like myself. It takes time out of our schedule to do this I understand, but it would be nice to see others contribute besides the list of members here I would like to thank for doing so: Nate The ACCDCDoctor Bernat AngusRudd Sapator NP Musicdreams Send4theman Nitroangus (formerly Flickofthethunderdeeds) Araya and a few I may have missed I am sure Again, these are my suggestions and would like to see what other members would like to see which gives Nate an idea of what the regulars want to see here. I know not everyone will agree on some of these ideas, but some make common sense like the Giveaway suggestion and would make it an interesting site to see more people participate than just troll. I try and do my best, and am starting to do artwork covers for shows which I cannot find any for. They are not the best by any means, but I try to be creative and feel anything is better than nothing and also feel anyone who creates artwork for a boot like Jano's recent upload to the Hartford 1981 show, is greatly appreciated. This is a great site and love everything Nate has put into it which is why I wanted to express my suggestions and ideas and hope others will express theirs here as well. Any suggestion is recommended and I am sure many out there have some good ideas, so let's here them ;) Thanks and cheers!! Scott
You hit the nail on the head! Nothing to add! I definitly agree with you ;)
Although personally i never participate on the giveaway of the month, i agree with Shakedown. I would also like people to get banned when they say bad things about loveable Sony, like some people use words like f#ck Sony,Sony a$$holes or Mother#@$@# Sony....No,err, no scratch that i take it back. I also don't give any suggestions to Nate unless there is something broken in the site because he is a busy man.Letting the site work after his law problems last year is good enough for me. P.S. For those of you that don't know Nate was accused to be the satanic doctor Nate that robs decent collectors of their precious AC/DC collection but the judge and jury happened to be big DC fans so evil doctor,err i mean Nate slipped some DC promos and got away with a warning.
^ lol! Thanks for clarifying the satanic doctor "Nate" which I heard about!! lol! Love your posts Sap, makes the site fun ;) @ Big Jack, thanks for the positive feedback ;)
honestly i would not go as far as banning people who trash talk sony, this is the internet and everyone is entitled to an opinion, unless there is a true threat or attack i think talk should be let go, next to that kid from a couple years back who tried to be a pain in the ass
juss feels good ta read all that... juss prayin, this 40th happens ....good ta see ya guys ,.... jeffro., i belive my links work still im lookin rif=ght at them... ..rock an roll from the middle of no where...
Everyone that trash talk Sony should not only be banned but hanged, butchered, stabbed and listen to Britney Spears. Sony is the best company in the world will never let a band sold out and will never deprive people rights with "terror" legislation as ACTA,SOPA and PIPA.I think Sony is the gift of god to mankind for a free and respectful life.
1st of all thnx you ShakedownIce, for having me on top 10 (hahaahaha). cheers lad :) 2nd,you're right we must create a link ONLY for members,where we can post stuff from the boys ONLY! AC/DC Link Community! Have a rocking/boozing Weed(k)end... SALUTE YOU ALL! cheers!
Well at least nobody here ever bashes Sony so we don't have to worry about that
Nate, did you get a chance to see this thread and your thoughts on only allowing members who regularly post or have posted at least one post in the past year? Think this is a fair idea and hope you can change this. Thanks
Sorry, my sentence should have read the following: "...thoughts on only allowing members to participate in the Giveaway who regularly post or have posted.."
Read everything over a few times. Good suggestions. Here's what I'm thinking. As for the giveaways, I would like to have more action from people on the site (forum, comments, artwork, etc), but it has never been the point of this site to restrict anything by usage. So, for now, the give-aways will stay as is & available to everyone. I'm a member of a number of sites and rarely say anything, but still read a lot and enjoy the activity. Hopefully at some point more people will speak up. The download links are a different story. I'll check and see what I've built in the past, but I thought I had a section built out for that. If I don't, I'd consider building something where members could post links & information about the download, & then automatically have it expire after a month or so. This should prevent dead links, but would leave a record of what has been posted in the past and allow people to request that it be posted again. At the very least, I could see allowing members to report a dead link so it be taken off the list. It would be a simple form to fill out as well, and would allow the information to be posted in a strict format that would be hard to screw up. Also, it would let the URL's actually be linked to the site for downloading so that a user could click on it and not have to copy & paste or retype it. As far as Sony goes, it's up to the user to say whatever they feel is appropriate. I'd also like to join ShakedownIce & thank those of you that regularly post in the forum or add things to the concert history. I know I'm not keeping things as updated as I used to, but I am doing my best to keep it rolling along. After the last few years, I'm just glad to have the site running at all. Sorry for the late reply. I was hoping to see what a number of you thought about the subject before I said anything. That & I've had a lot of work lately, so unfortunately that has to come first. Thanks to all. I appreciate the input.
^ Sounds good Nate, and like your ideas on the dead links issue. These were just suggestions, and even though I wish the Giveaway thing would be changed, it is your site and respect your decision. I can see your views on not restricting anything to members, so I do understand why you chose to stay with the current status of the Giveaways. It is just sad to see over what, 25,000+ members, and only maybe 25 to 50 (estimate) members have posted stuff over the past year, with some of those coming from new members like introductions, questions, etc. participate in the forum. I know there are some who browse and just enjoy reading or looking at items here, just wish more would participate, that's all. Thanks again for your response Nate and for everyone else who gave their thoughts, all which were helpful. I am glad this site is in continuous running, after all the bad stuff that happened in the past, and enjoy everyone's posts and also see new members joining which is good. Cheers ;)
Having the month long download would be a good idea. Maybe if it was possible Nate if we all suggest a show and it goes into a list. When our suggestion comes up say, about a week before the end of the month, we upload our suggestion, then it is ready for the show before to end its run? It could mean that we dont have to go anywhere else for shows we dont have. Why go elsewhere? It might mean duplicate shows from a few members but its worth having a think about it. Also, I did ask Nate this question a while back about opening up a section where members upload their pictures from the shows they have been to. Maybe in the style of a timeline like 76,77,78 and so on. Somebody somewhere must have took pictures from way back in the early days on their Box Brownie. Just like the guy on the detroit 83 video on Noise Pollution standing at the front taking pics of Brian. They would be amazing to see. Wishful thinking, again, someone must have taken pics at the Apollo 78. Can you all imagine? Fantastic thought!!!! Hopefully things will come together if the big man has the time.
^ Hey, now that is a good idea Paulr on the month long download. Like you said, there obviously will be duplicates which we all have, but some might be in better sound or a soundboard recording of a duplicate show may pop up. Regardless, I like that idea ;)