Ballbreaker Tour Live in Sydney 1996
Is there any bootleg of this show? There are about 4 tracks on the plug me in dvds. So i was wondering if there is any full dvd or audio bootleg of this show. Thx for your help guys ;-)
come on boyos this is a great request! :) really this bootleg do not exist out there? :(
There is a recording of the November 17, Sydney show. I have this one in my collection ;) Check the 'Concert History' section refarding the other Sydney '96 dates.
Thx for the information ShakedownIce! :) Same quality as on the plug me in dvd? Any download link for that? Cheers ;)
or I may have the November 14, 1996 recording, have to dig out my boots to check. I know I have one of these, although both shows were circulated and the Plug Me In tracks Big Jack is referring to is from the November 14 show I believe.
Welcome Big Jack, and I will check for you Big Jack and upload it later today if that is ok. If you get a link before then, just drop me a message.
Thx again ShakedownIce! :) Really appreciate it! ;) :)
Big Jack, I went through my boots and did find my Sydney 1996-11-14 recording of this, however it only has the 4 tracks as you mentioned which I made into a cd-r. I had to pop it in my dvd/cd player to find out there were only 4 tracks. They are in FLAC, so if you still want them uploaded, let me know. I do have the Perth, Australia 1996 complete show which I must have confused with the Sydney show of 4 tracks. I will make a cover for the Sydney 1996 show with 4 tracks and upload it to the Cover Art section since I do not have a cover for this and also for those who may want one.
Yeah if it's not too much work to upload please upload it! ;) Is the perth show in good quality? I take all I can get ;) Thank you very much for your help!! :) Cheer ;)
^ The Perth show I believe is mp3, but I will upload both the Sydney + Perth for you, hopefully my power won't go out again ;( Having thunderstorms rolling through and power went out twice, however things are calming down now, so I will have to reup the Sydney show and will get the Perth show hopefully uploaded tonight for you. Check your PM inbox tonight. Cheers ;)
Just checked the Perth show, it is in WAV format, but the quality is fair, not the greatest. Great show to add to a collection though ;) Link sent via PM for the Sydney 1996 recording, uploading Perth 1996 show now....
Big Jack, just shot you the links to the Perth show PM. Enjoy ;) Cheers
Again a big thank you for all you've done! :-) You rock!! ;-) Thx and cheers :-)
Just uploaded artwork covers for this show as promised which can be seen here: Enjoy ;)
can someone send me the link to this concert you guys are talking about?