is acting up on any one else's computer?
Hi again, I was downloading a show that big jack sent me a while back and I went to download the second song and when I hit download, it says it can't produce the web page, just wondering if this is happening to anyone else downloading off minus. Thanks.
Please let me know guys if any dowlnoad link does not work! Should I test it myself LooseLipsSinkShips? Which show/song?
Big Jack, a while ago you sent me Chicago 1981, and have just got around to downloading it, Hells Bells was fine, but then Shot down in flames and all the other songs didn't work, so if you could test Shot down in flames from that show that would be appreciated. Thanks
Just tested it and i can download shot down in flames and all the others^^ Maybe someone else sholud test it! Here is the link for Shot down in Flames: If things won't be better I can upload it again if you want to, maybe than in mp3 and no Flac^^
I just tried to download it and it worked fine for me..
No, still isn't downloading, must be my internet, I will try with one of Jeffros concerts on there. Just tested it, still ain't working, will try tommorrow and see if it works then, must be my connection to the internet. Thanks for testing though guys, much appreciated.
I've done a re upload of the chicago 1981 show. Format is mp3 ;) Test it and it works fine! Can send you the link if you want to after you tested the hammersmith link. Or just look for it in my minus account ;) Cheers and salute! ;)
Big Jack, Please could you send me the link to chicago 1981 in mp3? Thanks again.
Of course! Pm sent ;) You don't have to thank me it's a pleasure to help you! :)