Detroit 1990 Audience source
Does anyone know if an audience recording of the Auburn Hills/Detroit Miching show on the 24th of November 1990 exists?
Audio. I'm thinking that somehow the monitor mix recording is somewhat sped up and would like to hear an audience recording to see if that is so.
Id would also love to here that show on audio, if some1 has the video they can always rip it to audio.
I used to have a pretty terrible audience recording of Detroit 1990 on a 2 CD boot called "Fire Your Guns." I traded it away, though, but it was probably to one of the hardcore fans who visit this site, so it must be available somewhere. Actually, the recording was so bad, it sounded like it was recorded by someone who was hanging around outside of the arena and the band had the volume cranked up so high that it penetrated the concrete walls.
Uhh, Fire Your Guns isn't an audience source. Hate to break it to you, but it's actually the "Monitor mix" of the show.