Complete Version of Dublin Ballbreakers?
Does anybody know if there is an existing copy of the complete Dublin Ballbreakers show, I have like 3 songs from it, it fucking rocks, such a crystal clear image, just curious if there is a complete version floating around somewhere
As far as I know, those 3 songs are all that exist unfortunately. If anyone has a full version, please let us know. It would be a great show.
Thanks Nate, to bad, that show frecking rocks.
One thing, I don't remember if Nate has it put down on the site as proshot or "video screen" images but it looks more like video screen images.
huh? I don't understand? It is proshot if its directly from the mastertape isn't oit.
It's the same video that was shown on the large screens during the concert. It is proshot. Most likely, the guy in the soundboard booth or another roadie put a VHS into some recorder that the video was being fed through and recorded it.