Upcoming Newsletters
Hi folks I found out today that the company I had been using to send the monthly newsletters has pulled the plug on that line of software. I'm currently working on getting some data back from them, but otherwise have no way of sending newsletters for the time being. I'm going to look into writing my own tool in order to save money, but I'm not sure when I'd be able to have it done by or even if I can do something that big. Just wanted to let you know that there won't be any newsletters for a while. I'm still hoping to get a BOTM posted for January though, and you can follow me on Facebook & Twitter for any updates that are site related. Sorry for the issues. I knew they were shutting down the software, I just wasn't sure when. I'm hoping to get the past newsletters back so I can post them, as well as a few other things that will help me when building the newsletter system. Thanks for your patience, Nate
Nice to hear how your getting along Nate, did you have a good New Year? Anyway, we respect all the actions you do on the forum and it's much appreciated by everyone on the forum. Can't wait for the new site and BOTM!
I can lend you a tool i wrote recently for sending mass email from MS SQL server.It only sends the message though, no attached files.PM me if you want it.
What about just adding an extra tab next to news entitled newsletters? You could then have the subject line that particular month's name and just type out the newsletter as a message. The Riff Raff could then just read the post and it would be free and easy breezy. Just a thought.
Or better yet, make the "News" tab the "Newsletters" tab. The News tab hasn't been used in quite some time...(thank you "company that shall remain nameless in an attempt to not reopen an old wound") and having the Newsletter on the site and using the Twitter and Facebook feeds to send it out (and for those who don't follow those feeds, the tab could be changed in a "News 13/01" "News 13/02" type thing and archives of the previous months (with links intact, but dead links not being updated, no use in maintaining old Newsletter content).