USA 1983 tour programme
Anyone has the 1983 USA Tour Programe? It is said that it is as the 1984 European one but with one side of the fold-out poster with diferent picture. I have never seen one anytime so, ey people in the states, can you let us any of light about it?
A complete list of tour programmes including the 1983 FOTS U.S. poster + 1984 FOTS European poster can be seen here: Hope this can help ;)
Thanks ShakedownIce for the link. I know this site.The list of the programmes on it is incomplete. The problem I have with the 1983 USA programme is that I have never seen it anywhere.This site and others tell this exists but I have never had a prob of it. Someone having it, would be the prob telling me what is the pic of the reverse side..