2009-06-12 - Stade De France, Paris (texwiller) & 2009-06-03 - Alvalade XXI Stadium, Lisbon, (Iron Pedro)
Hope someone can help me out, I'm looking for 2 specific boots, or parts of them....
I have a recording from the 2009-06-12 Paris show, and it definitely IS the texwiller version (as I named the folder 'texwiller", but somehow I only have tracks 1-11 (Intro - Hells Bells) - no info files, no artwork or other notes. But there must have been an info, otherwise I wouldn't have known it was the texwiller version. I must have deleted half of the boot by accident - so does anybody have the full boot (my first half is mp3@128 only)
And the second show is the 2009-06-03 from Lisbon, the Iron Pedro version (I haven't heard of any other proper versions, only compilations from various youtube sources).
Thanks in advance!
btw, I'm going to record tomorrow's show in Vienna, I'll post a link here when I'm done editing!
here's the lisbon show
Paris show but it hasnt seed
You could send a PM to user who uplaoded the paris show to reseed
highvoltage did you get them off dime or do you still need them?
here's the paris show
i have a version of lisbon, i've just had a listen and it's bad quality, plus only up to whole lotta rosie, but if you still want it let me know
Hi thanks for the Paris link - unfortunately that's not the texwiller version which I'm missing half of the boot, but the 'BootHunter' version I believe (still, this one is the better quality version!) - thanks for sharing the link anyway, maybe someone else doesn't have this version!
But I'd be interested in the Lisbon boot you mentioned, because that might be the version I'm looking for!
thanks in advance!
here's the lisbon show, be warned it's terrible quality
and here's another version of the paris show hopefully the one you want, sorry i've no idea what version it is
The link that you posted of lisbon version (mp3) is the same than IronPedro which is posted in DIME
Yes, the Lisbon boot is the one I was after - i.e. the Iron Pedro version (even if the sound is rather bad!) THANKS!
Just a note on the Paris link - this is the same link/file from your previous post! So either you have 2 identical versions, or you have inadvertently posted the same link again!
i must have two versions of the same paris recording, i thought they were different, sorry about that.
no problems, mate - thanks for sharing the the Lisbon link and the effort re. Paris!!!