

Radio Broadcast 1981 Origin?

Hells Death
Member #24,593

Num Posts: 331
Country: US

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been around and sorry to hear about all the nonsense that's gone on here for what sounds like a ridiculous amount of time.  Hope everyone's still rockin'  harder and louder everyday.

I was out looking through my mall's entertainment store and found this random CD bootleg that has no identifying information other than its a "Radio Broacast" from 1981.  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what show this was? The recording quality isn't bad and I'm almost positive it's soundboard but otherwise it's a really good audience recording.  I'll try and get it up to share soon, here it is in the meantime though if anyone has any further info on it.

Member #1

Num Posts: 1,777
Country: US

Based on the track list, the order of songs and the quality, my guess would be it is from Melbourne on Feb 27, 1981.  Hard to say if the one listed is actually from a radio broadcast, but a really good quality recording exists from this Melbourne show and matches the set list.  If you get a hold of it, Brian says Melbourne after Hells Bells so you could verify it from that point in the recording.

Hope that helps

Hells Death
Member #24,593

Num Posts: 331
Country: US

Yup that sounds like the one.  After Melbourne, Brian yells "Hello Melbourne, alright get yourselves ready!"

Thanks Nate, much appreciated.  I'll try and get a link up later for anyone who wants .wav lossless after I get off of work.


Hells Death
Member #24,593

Num Posts: 331
Country: US

Hey everyone.  Sorry for the delay, been having internet issues.  Anyways, here's some of the show in question (no longer in question?) and I'll try to finish the upload later.  Enjoy and cheers!

Meltdown MQ
Member #25,881

Num Posts: 34
Country: US

Would have to agree with Nate on this one. Definitely Melbourne 81. Seems like many of these soundboards are being re-released on CD again. There's a few more coming out soon. These are more than likely taken from the downloads people have shared over the years.

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