


Douglas Paul
Member #24,020

Num Posts: 43
Country: Australia

I must admit that it's been a few years since I've been on here; but I'm just wondering if this Forum is still active? It seems very quiet here! 

Member #1

Num Posts: 1,777
Country: US

Lots of lurkers, but really quiet for the last year or so.  It has a history of being a quiet forum to start with, but it gets really quiet if the band doesn't have much going on.  Not sure why it's always quiet, but I'm always around if anyone has something to talk about.

Douglas Paul
Member #24,020

Num Posts: 43
Country: Australia

BigNate! How are you, man! It's great to talk with you again, and thanks so much for replying!

I hope you're keeping well, and I hope life's treating you kindly.

This is a great Forum! 

Take care.

Kindest Regards, always,




Member #25,055

Num Posts: 623
Country: US

im always on here .. still collecting bootlegs enjoying the show ... jeffro  usa

Member #1

Num Posts: 1,777
Country: US

Hey Douglas

Been better, but definitely been worse.  I'll take what I can get these days and not complain.  Still actively collecting shows and recordings, otherwise work and kids take up my time.  Hope you're doing well too.


Member #8,273

Num Posts: 56
Country: Spain

Hi friend,

BigNate: "Not sure why it's always quiet", Some tools of the forum don´t work fine. Maybe if they did, the forum would recover some dynamics and joy. I mean for example, among other things, the "SEARCH" tool. This tool is very important. This forum has a database with an enormous amount of data. If we could access and researh into it, would be awesome. A lot of times i need info about old bootlegs, songs, tours. etc. That info is all inside here, but I´m not able to find it

It´s only a constructive criticism, because I love this site and your work BigNate. wink


Happy New Year.


P.D. It was and still is my favourite acdc fan page.
Member #1

Num Posts: 1,777
Country: US

Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words.  Hasn't always been easy to maintain, especially with the lawsuits, but I've met a lot of great people through here as well as learned a lot about the band.  Definitely worth the effort.

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