I dont think its the right section but,I finally downloaded this. But Im struggling with connecting to bluesbreakers. Can someone help me? Danger101
And I am a moderate computer user, it'd be nice if someone could spell the directions out in black and white. Danger101
i will try and post some directions within the next few days. Scotty (acdc74) was kind enough to send the rules/address, so I just need to find time to update the hubs site.
excellent. im looking to expand my collection. Danger101
Some fine details here: bluesbreakers requires you to have 15 gigs of music, with at least 10 gigs as mp3. Also, I think the address still works, but due to the main site's recent updates, the hubpage looks like it's in early development again. Basically here's what you do. 1 Open DC++ 2 Click on the Favorite Hubs icon (the gold star) 3 In this section, click the [New] button 4 In the window that pops up do this: a For name: type "Bluesbreakers" b For address: type "" c For description and the rest, you can leave blank 5 Click [OK] 6 Double click on the new listing in the Fav. Hubs window 7 You should be connected then Any questions?
How do I add files? doesent work. Danger101
lower case 'h' & this has always been the design. Never had much time to put in on it from the start so it's always been a simple design.
I get this response No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Danger101
Are you including the quotes, cause you don't need to use the quotes. The way you put files into DC is like this: Make a folder on your computer somewhere with easy access. Such as C:\ Or if you have a partitioned HDD, with at least 20 gigs on the spare partition, make a folder there. Call the folder something like "DC Share" or "BOOTLEGS" or something like that. Go into DC, click on File -> Settings On the right side of the new window, click "Sharing" Click [Add Folder] Navigate to the folder with all your bootlegs (that you recently created) Click [OK] Look for the "Upload slots" box and type "2" or "3" Click [OK] again Go to File -> Refresh file list Wait for that to finish.
I cant get it to work either.... And I'm trying to share 4.5 Gigs of FLAC's, and 3 Gigs of 320k M3's... I was under the impression that there were three different hubs to use. Any suggestions?
at the moment, there is only 1 hub available that i know of that most members of the site have been using. You can check out the rules/info here: just by glancing at the rules, it says 15gb is the minimum.