Superbayman's Hub
As many of you know, Superbayman's Hub has been down for a few days. I've received a reply from him after asking what went wrong. Here's what he had to say: "Having a major pc problem. Lost everything on it and I am trying to get my hub to work again. For some reason it won't let me or anyone log on. I will hopefully have it up and going in a day or so. The hub is not least if i can get it to work." If I hear anything else, I'll post it here. Nate
The hub is back up and running. If you see him online, pease be sure to thank Superbayman for putting in the work to fix the problem and keep the hub running. Nate
BigNate, Thank you Nate for the update. I was specifically going into the forum to see if there was any news about what was going on with the hub. Superbayman, Thanks for your great work and continued efforts to keep the hub alive. Many Best Regards Scotty from Detroit
hey there....just signed up in DC++ and I'm looking for some cool videos....can anyone recommend me videos that I should download? Thanks for bringin the hub back online Superbayman, your efforts will not go unrecognised!