

Quick word from Angus

Member #23,974

Num Posts: 154
Country: US

A short article on the band that was published today on includes the following quote: "Young also said the band are planning their next tour and are hoping to top their last world tour. "Now we're thinking, 'How can we ever better the 'Black Ice' world tour?' But we will," he claimed." (I would include the link to the article, but are we allowed to post direct links to news sources such as this?) Anyway, what do you guys think? Sounds pretty good to me if Angus is willing to do another, hopefully to support a new album
Member #254

Num Posts: 798
Country: Canada

How can you ever top your last tour? That's pretty easy: 1. Play more than the standard 15 songs. 2. Rotate your setlist on an almost nightly basis, including songs from the period of your most intense self-loathing: 83-88. 3. Play more than just the "singles". 4. Try to write some meaningful, distinctive music before hitting the road. I still have no idea what Runaway Train is about, other than a great riff... 5. Make each concert from the tour available for purchase online within a day or two of the show itself. 6. If you show pictures of Bon Scott in Australia, don't be afraid that you will make Americans feel stupid by showing them in America. Think, instead, of how much better for your bank account it will be if Americans actually ask questions about your history and start exploring your back catalog by asking those questions. 7. Give up the gimmicks. Rosie is comical, but the Runaway Train gave retarded a good name and you're so dependent on the cannons to close the show that you have lost all spontaneity. The LTBR solo is also pretty boring and predictable now; either change it up, find something new or cut it all together. The six minute LTBR from Tokyo 1981 is actually pretty cool... 8. I can't say this enough - focus on the MUSIC! MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC! Riff Raff! Meanstreak! Danger! Send for the Man! Shake Your Foundations! Spellbound! Night of the Long Knives! DT! Chase the Ace! Soul Stripper! Squealer! Your favorite covers! So many great songs not yet explored! Imagine the creative wellspring that would open if you just got over your fear and self-loathing of your back catalog!
Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

I really hope they mix it next tour aswell.More Bon material and bring back FOTS & FTATR material
Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

I forgot to say...THIS NEWS HAS MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Member #20,171

Num Posts: 328
Country: US

same here dude. i need a job to save up to see like 5 shows. i also want to know what hotels they stay at so I can meet them
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

Kala don't be so sure, the previous time they were starting the tour from 2004. If they do what RnRDamnation says the tour will flop. If they do what RnRDamnation says i would be in 10 shows. If they do what RnRDamnation says i will run around naked on the streets with a bikini.
Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

ohhh scandelous
Member #20,159

Num Posts: 1,045
Country: US

RNRDamnation: Agreed, except RNR Train isn't a good riff. The whole song sucks. As I've said before it sounds like a riff somebody jokingly came up with trying to sound like AC/DC. Just a random, directionless use of the common AC/DC chords.
Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

I also hope they tour amphitheaters instead of venues, like what Rush is doing and also they should just strip down the stage and go old school and just have really loud Marshalls and nothing else for decoration.
Member #23,828

Num Posts: 331
Country: US

Also they should come to Hawaii :(
Member #23,697

Num Posts: 71
Country: Australia

Awesome! I didn't think they were going to do another tour!
Member #24,973

Num Posts: 21
Country: France

Angus confirms they're WORKING ON A NEW ALBUM and will do a new tour:
Member #7,861

Num Posts: 769
Country: United Kingdom

whoo hoo well i will wait to read reports from the US before I see if im gonna shell out my hard earned again
Member #254

Num Posts: 798
Country: Canada

"If they do what RnRDamnation says the tour will flop. If they do what RnRDamnation says i would be in 10 shows." sap: Those two statements are contradictory. If fans pay up to see 10 shows instead of 1, 3 or 5 shows, the tour most definitely will not flop. Also, Metallica and the Stones change up their shows almost every night and their fans are still as rabid as when their tours start. AC/DC's fanbase is at least as dedicated as Metallica's and the Stones, so I see no way the tour would possibly flop. It is, in fact, the fear of failure (or "flopping") that made the last tour so damn mediocre, while the tours which rocked the most (mainly the Bon Scott tours and the 85-88 tours when the band had low record sales) were the ones where the band had nothing to lose...
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

No it is just fine. If they do that then 1 out of 100 will go to see them. Also 1/1000 will pay for 10 shows. The fan base i remember, before every little girl and boy start listening to commercial DC, at least in Greece, was 1-5 thousand people.If they were not been commercially promoted and played the strange stuff then, i give you another 5-10 thou that would come out of curiosity. So 10?20000 at most.We had 60000 people. Ok maybe i'm wrong and more people come to the show but i doubt it. If they start with Squealer then go to Two's Up and then to Brain Shake then i guarantee that the packed crowd would either leave or go to the back wondering what band is playing. Anyway i hope they come to their senses and end their career. I know i know but that is my opinion.
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

fUn base
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

Member #25,163

Num Posts: 393
Country: US

if Metallica and The Stones can do it AC/DC can definitely do it. You have to keep the major hits but take out songs that people like but don't really care if it's in or not.Switch out The Jack for Bad Boy Boogie, the common AC/DC fans don't even know The Jack.All my buddies know Thunderstruck,Back In Black, Dirty Deeds, You Shook Me All Night Long, and TNT.Keep those in and than mix the other 10 or 11 up.As long as the band plays those 5 they would do fine with the commercial audience.

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