

Conversion help please??

Hells Death
Member #24,593

Num Posts: 331
Country: US

Ok, so if any of you remember my Back In Black collage I did a few months back, I need a bit of help here. So I ripped it all from CD's and saved as a .wav file. I uploaded an HD video to youtube, and right now am really glad I did. I go to look at the file where it's saved on my flash drive, and the file is corrupt, just the first 45 seconds of it and I'm like, shit... So with the HD video as a last resort, does anyone know if its possible to download a pure lossless .wav file from this HD video??
Member #22,835

Num Posts: 1,486
Country: US

I'm sorry to say man, that it's not possible. Even though you used a .wav file to make the video, youtube still compresses the video/audio. It's in HD, which is good because that's the best you can get for youtube in terms of sound,but it's not going to be lossless anymore once you convert it from the video.

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