

Another ebay conman - Fake item

Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

AMAZINGLY FAKE.Reported of course.
Member #25,433

Num Posts: 1,668
Country: US

Pretty sad there are those scamming people out of $$$, glad it was reported ;)
Member #8,722

Num Posts: 1,131
Country: US

Was that how the original release of Live looked? (without the obligatory Hebrew to make it a "rare Israeli release..." of course) I actually prefer the appearance of that disc over the Sony release (and I have all except Black Ice).
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

I don't have the particular release but it is obvious that it's the USA non remastered release.
Member #8,722

Num Posts: 1,131
Country: US

"USA non remastered release" But it being released to CD off the bat (instead of several years later, like albums such as Back In Black and Powerage) to me begs the question of why remastering was needed (then I suddenly remember the answer: It's Sony). I have Aerosmith's Get A Grip that was released a few years later and it sounds good...and most 90s releases sounded good (if not better than the overcompressed releases of today) anyway. I have the 80s Back In Black CD (with the obligatory disclaimer about the recording source and higher resolution...) and it sounds just as good to me as the 2003 release (if not a little bit more natural). But back on topic, good on you and people like you for reporting the atrocity that is fake stuff. Not only are fake "releases" bad for the music business in general, fake items could potentially be dangerous (like fake sister bought one of those and asked me if it was fake...I said most definitely, and she got her money back on it).
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

You are right in part for the non remastered releases. There we 2 dudes that did the first remasters.One of them made em awful hiding the guitar behind the bass and the other dude made them as good as the original.Now the question is why did they have to do the remaster.Better yet why they needed to do the remaster 3 and 4 times? The only 2 things that i like about the remasters and is about collecting and no sound of cd's are the card sleeve vinyl replicas or Elektra-Warner and the first Japan miniLP cd's that i have some of them as promo's.Other than that i don't know how they sound after that(there are box set remasters made last year but i don't care,fuck Sony,etc).

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