

Rock 'N Roll Train Pro Shot Teasers...

Hells Death
Member #24,593

Num Posts: 331
Country: US

I found a bunch of these pro-shot recordings of RnR Train from Spain, the XCel Center, and some other places and I might have missed a few... But Im curious, how many shows were pro-shot/ soundboard recorded besides the River Plate shows?? I really would love it when these all leak and we can get these, but for now I just wanna know if anyone knows how many shows were recorded...??
Member #8,722

Num Posts: 1,131
Country: US

Since a lot of these appear to have been recorded just for a news media site, it wouldn't surprise me if more exist, but were never used. I remember hearing something that AC/DC (like a lot of bands) will record a lot of shows to be able to watch/listen to over the course of the tour (that way they know if they need to drop a song about a third of the way in do to it just not going over well) but reusing the tapes (or whatever they'd be using now...bytes? lol) to tape other shows. These seem to be straight sb sourced so it's unlikely that anything will come from these recordings. These are kinda like when a paper or a TV station reports that a band is in town, and gets something from the management to use as a promotional tool...and the management arranged for a recording of like 90 seconds or so of a few songs from different concerts to use as "send around to different papers as promotional video to post on website" clips.
Member #21,090

Num Posts: 113
Country: Finland

From Tampere
Member #24,670

Num Posts: 517
Country: US

yeah travishayes89 thats true a lot of bands do that and acdc have video for every show already because of the screen display and i am sure record every show from the soundboard.

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