

Australian CD Collection

Member #4,095

Num Posts: 292
Country: US


Does anyone have an opinion on if these are real Australian imports? I already have copies of all of them except for 'Highway to Hell.' But I'm considering putting in a bid on this collection if they're legit. Any input helps.

Member #1

Num Posts: 1,777
Country: US

They look real enough to me.  The Highway to Hell disc is an earlier release, while the picture discs were part of a reissue  nice collection though, & the price is still reasonable so far.

Member #23,988

Num Posts: 135
Country: Australia

nice find mate. id be happy with that. they look legit to me. looks like an '89 release of hth in good condition. definatley '95 release of the others as theyre emi releases and not fmr. go for it!

Meltdown MQ
Member #25,881

Num Posts: 34
Country: US

These CDs are real. Generally if they're fake, the seller would not show the CD. It would cause them to lose a sale if someone knew they were fakes. Plus, the Aussie CDs never came sealed. I learned that after I purchased a fake "New" Aussie High Voltage CD on Amazon. Turns out, my fake CD was made in Germany. I was pissed off. lol.

Edit: I don't need these CDs as I own all (except Aussie H2H and LTBR) on vinyl. If anyone has a link to the Aussie (Or East German) Highway to Hell for sale on vinyl, let me know.

- Mike.

Member #23,988

Num Posts: 135
Country: Australia

Meltdown, get on au ebay, you'll easily find hth on there (the flames edition) but be prepared to pay more for them than the standard release. 

Member #23,988

Num Posts: 135
Country: Australia

Meltdown MQ
Member #25,881

Num Posts: 34
Country: US

Thanks hawks. I'm gonna have a look. It'll be worth it. :)

Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

The price they went for if far more than they worth.

Probably an Unexperienced collector thought it bought something real valiable :/

Member #25,433

Num Posts: 1,668
Country: US

Like someone once said, it's not so much the price on a bootleg or any other collectible which matters, it's what the individual collector is willing to spend on adding it to their collection. I think it was a very reasonable price and more power to that collector who bought them.
Member #210

Num Posts: 1,619
Country: Greece

I would call him more of a victim than a collector. I believe that's why Bon Scott 46t80 was inquiring this. Because he knows there are collectors here and he didn't wan't to be paying more than the items worth. These come up very frequently on ebay, so with a little patience one can own them with half the money.

Again if someone is selling a common CD for 200$ and he advertise it as super rare and someone get's it then i don't think it's more power to the collector but more power to the seller who got a victim. A rough example but you get the point.

P.S. Dude you posted the same number of messages with me in 2 years! Took me 10 years to do so! Talk about blabbermouthing!  blush


Member #25,433

Num Posts: 1,668
Country: US

Again, wanting to pay a certain price lies with the collector and by no means makes them a victim especially on sites like ebay where one can expect to pay a price which they feel fit to win that item, even if it is a little more than what it is worth. A victim is someone who buys an item thinking is legit only to get a fake. This item in question was legit, no victim there. 

But looks like we can agree to disagree rather than beating a dead horse 

Not blabbermouthing, just always here providing feedback or posting replies. Some of us enjoy the site more than others.





Member #27,141

Num Posts: 1

The let there be rock dirty deeds and tnt cds in this blog are 100% fake. View my Website look for the fake 1995 EMI cd page  link. 

Member #23,988

Num Posts: 135
Country: Australia

i already posted the link to your website above, so before you go jumping ahead to try and get everyone to view you site, you'll find you'd be pretty confident theyre origional, that is if you follow the advice you give on your site.

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