AC/DC's Concert History
Falkoner Theater, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sunday, February 16, 1986
Set List:
1) Fly on the Wall
2) Back in Black
3) Shake Your Foundations
4) Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
5) You Shook Me All Night Long
6) Sin City
7) Jailbreak
8) The Jack
9) Shoot to Thrill
10) Highway to Hell
11) Whole Lotta Rosie
12) Let There Be Rock
13) Hells Bells
14) TNT
15) For Those About to Rock
Concert Notes:
Supported by Fastway
The supporting act in this show was not "Fastway", but a Swedish band called "220 volt", and they were awful, (at least in my opinion). However, while playing their singer wanted the crowd to yell "Merry Christmas" (in February...oh those Sweeds) and pronto the crowd (including myself) yelled "AC/DC", it was a great moment and also a great AC/DC concert (except from Simon playing the drums). A Danish newspaper wrote in a review that: "AC/DC must have felt at home last night, cause we all jumped around like kangaroos."
Concert notes contributed by unknown member.
Set list thanks to LetThereBeAC-DC.

Bo Scott




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